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US \ US 'disappointed' at Russia's Syria stance

The US is "disappointed but not surprised" at Russia's response to its strikes on a Syrian airbase suspected of storing chemical weapons, a media report said on Saturday. ....

40 survive vessel collision in Myanmar river 40 survive vessel collision in Myanmar river

Forty passengers have survived the vessel collision in a Myanmar river that killed 20, police said on Saturday. ....

Death toll of Stockholm attack rises to four Death toll of Stockholm attack rises to four

One victim died in hospital, raising the death toll of the Stockholm attack on Friday to four, while the number of wounded reached 15, Swedish Television said on Friday. ....

Moscow, US on \ Moscow, US on 'the verge of a military clash': Russian PM

Condemning the US missile strike in Syria, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday said the action puts Moscow and Washington "on the verge of a military clash." ....

Sweden won\ Sweden won't be cowed by 'heinous murderers': Swedish PM

Sweden will not be cowed by "these heinous murderers," Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said on Friday after a truck attack in Stockholm killed four. ....

Islamic state kills 140 fleeing civilians in Mosul Islamic state kills 140 fleeing civilians in Mosul

Hundreds of civilians trying to escape from the embattled Iraqi city of Mosul were killed by the Islamic State earlier this week, with bodies being hung from electrical poles across the city, according to a report from the region on Friday. ....

Trump receives Xi for Florida summit Trump receives Xi for Florida summit

US President Donald Trump has welcomed his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at a mansion in his private resort in Florida, and their first meeting has begun, a media report said. ....

20 killed as landmine hits minibus in Somalia 20 killed as landmine hits minibus in Somalia

At least 20 passengers were killed when their commuter minibus was hit by a landmine in Lower Shabelle region of Somalia, officials said. ....

VIDEO: Over 50 US missiles hit Syrian targets VIDEO: Over 50 US missiles hit Syrian targets

The US has launched a military strike on a Syrian government target in retaliation for their chemical weapons attack on civilians earlier in the week, President Donald Trump told the media. ....

British MPs demand early solution to \ British MPs demand early solution to 'lingering' Kashmir issue

A group of six British parliamentarians from the ruling Conservative Party on Thursday called for a just and early solution to "the lingering Kashmir issue" in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions and the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people. ....

What binds the two most talked about nations - India and Pakistan together? What makes the

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