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Tag: Indian Space Research Organisation

Send Off Towards The Sun For Aditya-L1 Spacecraft On September 19: ISRO

India’s space-based solar observatory Aditya-L1 will be given a send off towards the Sun on September 19 when the spacecraft will be maneuvered to Trans-Lagrangian Point 1 Insertion (TL1I), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said on Friday.....


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Chandrayaan's 3rd Lunar-bound Orbit Exercise Performed

The telemetry, tracking and command network of the Indian space agency (ISTRAC) performed the third lunar-bound orbit manoeuvre for Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft, the agency said on Wednesday. ....


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NASA Joins ISRO To Track Vikram 'calling Home'

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is continuing its attempt to reach out to India's moon lander sending communication signals with its Deep Space Network (DSN), said officials. ....


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India's Communication Satellite GSAT-30 Put Into Orbit

The European space agency Arianespace opened its 2020 space missions account with a successful dual satellite launch - India's communication satellite GSAT-30 and Eutelsat Konnect - into geo-stationary transfer orbit on Friday early hours with its heavy lift of Ariane 5 rocket. ....


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India Will Land On Moon On Wednesday Evening As Scheduled: ISRO Chairman Somanath

The Indian space agency is focused on landing its moon lander on Wednesday evening and is not looking at any postponement or Plan B, said a top official about the country’s third moon mission Chandrayaan-3.....


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'Lost' Chandrayaan-1 Found Orbiting Moon

India's first lunar mission -- the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, which was generally considered lost -- is still orbiting the Moon, NASA scientists have found with new technological application of interplanetary radar.....


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South Asia Satellite A Boon For The Entire Region: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said the 'South Asia Satellite' to be launched by India on May 5, will go a long way in addressing the region's economic and developmental priorities.....


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K. Sivan Appointed New ISRO Chief

Eminent scientist K. Sivan was on Wednesday appointed as the new Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). ....


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GSAT-11 Could Be Last Indian Satellite To Be Launched By A Foreign Rocket

If things pan out as intended, the 5.7-tonne GSAT-11 will be most probably the last heavy Indian satellite to be launched by a foreign space agency, according to K. Sivan, Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).....


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