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Tag: space

China Plans To Install Cabin On Moon

While it remains unclear exactly how long China's first lunar explorers will spend on the surface, the country is already planning for longer stays.....


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Microsoft India Cybersecurity Centre Empowers 126 Organisations

Microsoft India on Tuesday said its "Cybersecurity Engagement Centre" in New Delhi has reached out to 126 organisations in a year, empowering them with information and techniques to secure critical information infrastructure and help reduce malware and digital risk in the country.....


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Astronauts Watch 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' In Orbit

Even as "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" continues its run in theatres across the world, it also got an audience at a place away from our home planet - the International Space Station (ISS).....


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K. Sivan Appointed New ISRO Chief

Eminent scientist K. Sivan was on Wednesday appointed as the new Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). ....


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GSAT-11 Could Be Last Indian Satellite To Be Launched By A Foreign Rocket

If things pan out as intended, the 5.7-tonne GSAT-11 will be most probably the last heavy Indian satellite to be launched by a foreign space agency, according to K. Sivan, Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).....


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Healthy Office Spaces Promote Healthy Lifestyles

Managed and serviced co-working spaces go an extra step to promote a healthy lifestyle. ....


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A Spinning Binary Radio Pulsar Proves Einstein's Theory

An international team of astrophysicists witnessed how the spinning of a celestial body twists space and time, further confirming Einstein's theory of General Relativity.....


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A Spinning Binary Radio Pulsar Proves Einstein's Theory

An international team of astrophysicists witnessed how the spinning of a celestial body twists space and time, further confirming Einstein's theory of General Relativity.....


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Visit Natural Spaces For Better Physical, Mental Health

Individuals who visit natural spaces weekly, and feel psychologically connected to them, report better physical and mental well-being, according to a new study.....


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Car Crashes Deadlier Than Coronavirus: Elon Musk To SpaceX Staff

Amid the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus which has killed nearly 5,000 people in the world, SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk appears to be dancing to his own tune, underplaying the danger from the threat time and again.....


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