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  • Sriram Raghavan to cast Harshvardhan opposite Deepika in his next

Sriram Raghavan to cast Harshvardhan opposite Deepika in his next

Sriram Raghavan to cast Harshvardhan opposite Deepika in his next

It seems that Harshvardhan has become the choice of every prominent director of Bollywood. As the films which Harshvardhan has signed are all directorial of well known filmmakers. Harshvardhan's debut film 'Mirzya' is set to hit the big screens and before it's release, he bagged two films. The first one is Vikramaditya Motwani's directorial and the second in which he is casted opposite Deepika Padukone is a Sriram Raghavan's directorial. Raghavan is still working on the script and the story of the film.