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Manveer or Bani: Who will win Bigg Boss 10

Manveer, Bani or Manu: Who will be

The biggest reality show of Indian television 'Bigg Boss' will declare the winner of its tenth season on Sunday, 29 January, 2017. The final five finalists of Bigg Boss season 10 are Manveer Gurjar, Bani J, Manu Punjabi and Lopamudra Raut. 15 contestants began their journey in 'Bigg Boss' house on October 16, 2016 and Rohan Mehra is the latest celebrity to be evicted from the show. It is not easy to predict the winner of Bigg Boss season 10 but one can definitely put forward a guess on the basis of popularity of the final four contestants of the show. Take a look and tell us who according to you deserve to win this year.