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Manjhi's love for his wife inspired my film says Ketan Mehta

Thats why Ketan Mehta wants to share story of Dashrath Manjhi-The Mountain Man

Bollywood director Ketan Mehta said he was inspired to make 'Manjhi- The Mountain Man' as he wanted to share the story of a man, who for the love of his wife, carved a path out of a mountain only with the help a chisel and a hammer. "For me he (Manjhi) is Mr India. For me it is our answer for all our problems - the only difference is that he is real, not a fictional fantasy character, which justifies the adage that there is nothing impossible," he said. The film, set to be released on August 21, is based on the life story of Manjhi, a labourer living in Gehlaur village of Bihar, single-handedly built a road through a hill so that the locals could have faster access to nearby hospital. His wife had died because of lack of timely medical help.