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How well do you know Manveer Gurjar

How well do you know Manveer Gurjar

After Manveer Gurjar was declared the winner of 'Bigg Boss' Season 10, his father announced half the prize money will go to charity. He said that the money will go to Salman Khan's organisation Being Human. Manveer is someone who played more with his heart than his mind and with time his popularity grew to another level. When he entered the show as a commoner he was someone with anger management issues and now he step out as a person who thinks rationally before reacting to situations. Where he was the favourite of non only the viewers but also the celebrities inside the house, Manveer's bromance with Manu Punjabi was the talk of the town. Here as he was declared the winner of 'Bigg Boss 10', we bring for you some unknown facts about him which we bet you don't know.