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Ten unknown facts about Aditya Roy Kapoor

Happy Birthday Aditya Roy Kapoor: Ten unknown facts about the actor

Bollywood actor Aditya Roy Kapoor turned a year-old on Tuesday, November 16, 2015 and the actor will celebrate the special day on the sets of his upcoming film 'Fitoor'. It was on his birthday last year that Aditya gave his first shot for this Abhishek Kapoor's directorial and today, again on his birthday, he will give his last shot for the film. The unit of 'Fitoor' has also planned a little surprise for the actor, who turned 30-year-old today. After wrapping up the shooting, Aditya will celebrate the day with his family and friends. Here on this day, we bring for you some unknown facts about the 'Aashiqui 2' actor.