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Guess! What makes Sonakshi stressed?

Guess! What makes Sonakshi stressed?

Dabang girl Sonakshi Sinha who always seems doing daring role on her movies is tensed now days. Now you will get surprised after all what makes daring Sonakshi stressed after all? So here is the answer. For the first time the Bollywood Star Sonakshi is judging a singing reality TV show for kids. As she is judging the show she says, the elimination round is one aspect in which she feels completely stressed out.' I really get nervous on those days. I can’t imagine what the kids must be going through. They have grown so close to each other. It must be really tough for them to see one of their own to leave the show. The 28 year old actor said, kids on the show have also inspired her in many ways. These kids are immensely talented and are very much inspiring.