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Akshay Kumar holidaying with Mrs. Funnybonnes

Akshay Kumar holidaying in France, Posted his photos with loving wife Twinkle Khanna

Akshay Kumar likes to travel with his family and he enjoys his loving wife's company the most. He shares his recent holidaying photo with Twinkle Khanna. They are enjoying a holiday in Antibes (France). Akshay Kumar posted the image on Twitter and wrote: “And the holiday begins... loving driving around the picturesque Antibes in Nice, great view and even better company.”. Akshay Kumar is very loving husband and Twinkle is also a very supporting wife. Well, on career front, Akshay's next Brothers' recently released trailer has received a very positive response. Twinkle, apart from owing an interior designer store, writes funny columns about various subjects of social relevance and also very popular as Mrs. Funny bonnes on social networking sites. See few more file pics of Akshay and Tinkle together.